Nov. 12, 2012 - 12:06am

So long ago.....Sept. 10, 2010 - 11:16pm

- Transmission from r00t

Hey Drak, 

It's such a relief to here back from you. I mean, fuck. I'd given up hope on you being alive. As for me, I'm doing alright for the circumstances. I've been heading south little by little since your last broadcast. How far, I'm not sure. The last sign I remember seeing was Doylestown, but that was a few days ago. I still have plenty of ammo. Ever since I got out of the city things have been pretty quiet; besides Quakertown. I'm not even gonna get into that one though. I'm praying that you're still doing fine and that the cold hasn't taken it's toll on you. I've been camping out in an 18-wheeler for the past few days. These nights are getting unbearable. I wasn't sure how long I was going to last until I found this truck. The poor motherfucker that owned it left me a nice Carhartt jacket and a shitload of twinkies. As for your broadcasts, I haven't even bothered to try out the radio in this thing. Hell, I haven't even bothered to try out a radio in a few years. What station are you guys broadcasting too? I'll be listening in the meantime. FUCK. I just heard a smash come from the trailer. I'll have to cut this off for now. 

Please hurry.


- End of Transmission

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