Nov. 12, 2012 - 12:15am

A brave soul, I hope she lives and made it out......I really have to shut this generator off NOW. We drew to much attention, I have to go put the down the dead before more come.

- Transmission from luckysuzy 
In need of help 
Hey it is luckysuzy im hideing in my home with my dogs and cats 2 dogs and 3 or now 2 cats. My cat is infected by one of the zombies. I blew its head off with my shotgun. Yes I am 11 but me and my brother have been ready for this since I was 4 he was 14 at the time but since he turned 18 he got some guns.

AK-47 46 of them
shotguns about 17 to 20
and some I cant name.

He got killed by a zombie and now im all alone and hideing downstairs in a basement thing me and him made and i cany hear them banging on my door that i tride to board up but they broke in and i can see them by a one way glass thing and am shooting the from the tunnel to the panic room from a hole he and I made and i need help i can see them eating my dead cat who is not so dead as i like. PLEASE HELP. 


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