Aug. 29, 2009 - 9:28pm

Battery is critical. Last post before I sign off for the night.

- Transmission from Lblair57
Oh god.

Some of the refugees are saying that NYC was bleached to try and stop the spread of the virus. They’re relaying reports that all of the major cities are infected. I wonder if Trenton or Philly will be next…….

Things continue to get worse and chaos is the only constant. My band of people are freaking out! It’s been days with no power and very little news. Food and tempers are running short. Most of us are suburban marshmallows who never thought our world would change….. Fortunately, we’ve got a couple of people with tough balls and some experience. They’ve reconned a stone house a few miles away. Good fields of fire but no escape route. Have not seen any of the living dead yet but the smoke and red glow is getting closer. Some of the parasitic looters have been thinned out with FMJ lead poisoning and only the liberals have any remorse. Eight of these animals arrived in a pick-up and kicked in the door of the neighbors house. It was just getting dark and the neighbors had their generator running. We were laying low in the dark watching it unfold. We’d already picked our targets. The parasites weren’t looking for food or water, that we could have understood. No, these low lifes went straight for the booze and started busting stuff up. These animals were looking to inflict pain and suffering for fun. We watched as they started kicking the living shit out of the husband. The first blivits* head disappeared into a red mist before his next kick landed and he dropped like a sack of fecal matter. At a little over a 100 yards, on a calm evening, it wasn’t a real impressive shot but the ballistics of a 168gr soft point were devastating. The others stopped in mid step and looked around. We dropped two more before they realized what was going on. The survivors grabbed the screaming wife and daughter and tried to escape. They came tumbling out of the front door running for their pathetic lives, dropping their loot and tripping over themselves. If they been organized or trained they might have broken left and right out of the door and maybe had a better chance of survival. Instead they all headed for the truck. We dropped four more of the sick bastards with four well placed shots. The wife and daughter ran over to our house. The lone surviving parasite made it to the pick-up before we all opened up and vented our anger on the sorry piece of crap. We left them there. In this heat they’ve already started to bloat with maggots…….

We’re moving out tonight. Heading west-north-west in a couple of RV’s looking for a safe and defendable place. Anyone of a like mind can join us.
- End of Transmission

(* A bivit is a 5 pound sack stuffed with 10 pounds of shit.)


  1. Thank God. Someone else is still out there.

    This last week has been hell. Dad went to work and never came back, Mom and my Grandmother went out for a walk even though my brother and I said not to. We heard screams. I'm pretty sure they're both gone.

    Thank God I went out and bought guns, ammo, food, and a generator when I heard the first reports. We've got about a month's worth of canned foodstuffs left, but we're running lower than I'd like on ammo. Looter's have actually been more common than undead, which is surprising; I'm still shocked how brutal suburban soccer moms cam be when the stuff hits the fan.

    Drak, do you think we should stay put or bug out? I'm thinking stay put, seeing as how we still have plenty of supplies and neither of us know anything about wilderness survival. On the other hand, we're using up ammunition faster than I'd like, and few people in my area own (owned?) guns, since it's a very liberal, anti-2A area. Barring that, should we search for other survivors, bring them into our house/fort or move into theirs? Also, any idea on how to recognize someone who's been infected but hasn't died and reanimated yet?

    Whatever happens, Drak, I thank God that I found your blog; radio and TV stations went dead around here two days ago and I'd begun to lose hope. I wish you and your wife the best of luck, and I hope and pray that you both make it through this.



  2. Drak, where are you? Are you all right?

    If you are still alive, please answer this. Your journal is the only way I have of knowing that others are still out there.

  3. hey dont go off line, i love this sort of stuff.

  4. I wasn't in the city, but my aunt lives just on the Jersey side. We holed up in her house, just watching the waves of refugees pass by. The smoke was heavy and sporadic gunfire could be heard at all hours. Fighters screamed overhead almost hourly, then slowed. Now we only hear a large plane a few times a day. No traffic from the commercial airports.

    For three days there was a non-stop exodus of people fleeing on foot. Some on bycicle, but cars were not going anywhere. A few people broke off from the main artery and "scoped out" our neighborhood looking for food or water or whatever. Most were firmly herded back to the freeway by the old timers weilding shotguns.

    On the fourth day there were nothing but stragglers, a few dozen at most. The gunfire increased and we could see more and more of the stumblers on the overpass. We assumed the infected (or whatever we should call them) were following the people fleeing the city. A trickle turned into a mob, and they were so thick on the overpass we could see some of them knocked off the side. One landed near the top of our street. It began crawling back towards the freeway, trying to crawl back up the wall. A few of us went out to see it. When it saw us it began crawling for us, but with two smashed legs and a shattered pelvis it could barely move.

    It looked like it had been doused with bleach, or acid almost. Hair clung in tufts, and most of its exposed skin was pure white, though the blackness lurking beneath the white skin was the worst part. Part of the exposed skin was blistered, and the thick chemicle smell coming off its clothes told us that it had been doused in something. Under the chemicle smell was death, rotting meat. We didn't want to get too close. Its eyes were milky and scarred, like it had sand poured into the eyes but no tears to whipe them away. It couldn't see us, but it could hear us as it crowled around swiping with its one good hand. Trying to grab at us.

    The rumors were true; they dead really were walking (crawling?). Rather than risk the noise of a shot, we smashed it with a sign post and made out way back to our houses.

    We have a lot of food compared to most folks, and a fair amount of water. The pipes are still working so we have been filling up anything we can. We've cleared out the food from the neighbors who have left, so that helps. There are six of us with my Aunt. She's old and in a wheel chair, we can't leave her.

    I'm picking up a wireless signal from somewhere, and the generator is still going strong. I'll post more as I can.

  5. Looks like Drakinclaw might be in trouble. No updates in over a week. Hopefully he will pick things up soon. We are holding up fairly well out here. Living on elevated terrain and outside the city limits has proven invaluable. I am down to just under 1000 rounds for my M4, but the stream of infected and would-be looters has lessened considerably. What's left of the neighborhood has banded together. Working to fortify what's left and compile supplies. Wish more had followed church council to store a year's worth of food. Still, living in Utah has had its advantages. As the neighborhood gun-nut I have been elected a kind of defacto sheriff. A few guys are pretty squared away, so I am finally getting some sleep. Generators are low on gas, and I don't want to siphon everything just yet. Looks like we need a hunting party to drop down into the valley and see what we can scavenge. I'll let you know how it looks. Good luck drakenclaw, wherever you are.

  6. Being from the country. I still haven't had to deal with any infected. Most of the locals are banding together to protect each others homes. Glad I stocked up on ammo before. Guess it is paying off to have been a bit paranoid before. Good luck to all.


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