Aug. 28, 2009 - 12:36pm

- Transmission from Ren
Drackinclaw… thanks for chatting with me the other night, Ill look for a Ham radio so maybe we can talk. I gotta say…..your neighborhood looks terrible! We are no where near that bad of shape, but im not close to any major cities either. Do you think those fires are being set on purpose, or a by product of fighting of some kind? Also how is your generator holding out? Im worried about running mine too much because of the noise in attracting “them” or other “guests”. I think I will try and scavenge some 12 volt batteries like maybe 6 or 7 and just top them off now and again. That way I can at least have some lights and keep my little 12 volt cooler/fridge running, and it would be a lot quieter.

As far as me having to leave the chat so abruptly yesterday…. Ive heard of the term, “F$#@ me running in the rain”. I guess now it brings on a whole new meaning. It was raining so hard I couldn’t tell who or what was chasing….. I will guess, and say a woman, because I couldn’t clearly see down the street, it was coming down so damn heavy I couldn’t really tell what was going on… but by the time I was able to get out to help they were already out of sight. So I don’t know if “they” got her or not. It sucks that I couldn’t help fast enough. My leg got wrenched in the “accident”, if you could call it that, trying to get home a few days ago. My heads also got a severe gash in it, so my wife has now given me a buzz cut so we can keep an eye on it. All those years of sitting behind a desk has taken its toll too. Im really, really feeling out of shape, and it almost cost me my life getting home… but Ill go more into that later. Its time for me to check on the flooding situation…. Its still pouring out. Hang in there all of you, and watch your six.
- End of Transmission


  1. Ren,
    Stay strong.
    Keep those wounds clean. Keep hope alive. If you have any high test alcohol, it will work well to keep it clean. Just dont use the Grey Goose. I dont think they will be making any more of that.

    I would welcome a conversation over the Ham radio, however you put far to much faith in me in actually getting it to work properly. All i could pick up is some sort of strange static. Did you hear the audio link posted? I used the mic on my cell, then uploaded the file to the netbook. I heard a few Limma and Foxtrots in there. could it be some sort of coded signal?

    The pictures actually do not do the sky view justice. They are but a small fraction of the vista I can see from between the gaps in the boards.

    Be safe,


  2. Group 10 test test zlnzfntumeho.....Thats what Im getting out of the transmission. Whoever or whatever group10 is? Maybee Im not even hearing it correctly?

    We are keeping inside as much as possible. Not only to try and stay dry and keep a low profile, but to avoid any "shufflers" as my wife calls them. So far we havent had hardly any encounters with them.... maybe the continous rain is screwing up thier ability to pick up on us.... kinda like radar jamming.

    Im trying to keep the gashes on my leg and head as clean as possible... but the one on my leg opens up if I do any prolonged activity. Its making any type of scavenging difficult to say the least. I think we will attempt to sew it up with some needle and thread. My Marine Corps buddy that is dug in with us, keeps telling me to do so... I just know its going to hurt like a somb$tch! Ive known Will since he got out in early 06, rock solid guy, and was paying more attention to what was going on before all this happened than I was. Im glad he is with us, not only as having a good friend around but his knowlegde and skill is so invaluable. Hes is really worried about his girl friend though. As she is up at Penn State at college.. or was in college there. It would be no different if she were on the Moon, theres no way to get to her.

    If that smoke starts getting too bad, your going to have to get out of there. Maybee you should start trying to find a way to get out of town? I have my own issues... not with smoke and fire, but flooding.... its really starting to worry me. So far... so good. Its not flowing into the house....yet.

    If we find any Grey Goose we will put it to good use. ;)

    Watch your six,


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